Tuesday, August 13, 2013



   This is a musical sculpture near Burnley in the North West of England built by architects Tonkin Liu.(Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu) It was designed in 2004 and completed at the end of 2006. It is a 3 meter tall construction comprising pipes of galvanished steel, this medium harnesses the wind to produce sounds covering a range of several octaves. It is one of the four landmark art projects called "Panopticons" built in the early 200's Lancashire.  The tree is constructed of stacked pipes of varying lengths. They are meant to lean into the directions of the wind patterns. As the win passes though the different lengths of pipe, it plays different chords. Each time you sit under the tree, the wind creates a different song. The tree won a award in 2007 for architectural excellence from the Royal Institute of British architects.

 This sculptural piece is fascinating to me, and I would one day like to go there, sit under it, and listen to it. I think that the structural body itself looks to have been a very difficult task. They created a swirling piece of art work that to me, symbolizes to winds movement. W,ind is constantly changing, moving, and flowing, which is captured in the shape of the piece. I see that in order to make this shape they had to use rings that feed all the way to the top and they arranged the pipes around it. This relates to the type of work I would like to create because it is original, sculptural, repetitive, and a piece of work that can stay outside.

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