Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tom Fruin --- the KOLONIHAVEHUS
upcycled and beautiful! from re-claimed plexiglass. Tom Fruin, a New York-based installation artist, recently traveled to Copenhagen where he built this stunning outdoor pavilion in plaza outside of the Royal Danish Library    Read more: Candy Colored Copenhagen Pavilion Made of Reclaimed Plexiglass kolonihavehus – Inhabitat – Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

 Tom Fruin is a New York artist. His objective was to show how one man's trash can become one city's treasure. This piece is situated in the plaza of the Royal Danish Library in Copenhagen. It is referring to the 19th century Danish tradition of Kolonihave- little house with garden. It is made from a thousand reclaimed pieces of plaxiglass found in dumpsters around the city. It looks interesting during the day and then at night it lights up and the colors spread onto the pavement around the plaza, creating a colorful surrounding.

     I really loved the idea of using the glass that you have around you. I think that he does a great job of recycling and making trash into something beautiful. I love all the variety of shapes, sizes, and colors he used. The fact that it not only uses the light from the sun during the day to make it shine but at night time he uses the real light to make it shine from the inside out, makes the piece have a extra part of art to enjoy. You get to enjoy the colors and the house its self giving off the light. I love all the intricate smaller pieces of glass. He did a great job at balancing out the bigger pieces next to the little ones. I really am inspired to make something that others can enjoy not only during the day time but at night. I want to make something like this that spreads color at night time as well rather then just white light and that way they can enjoy it at both times of the day.

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