Thursday, August 15, 2013

HOWARD BEN TRÉ'S : Water Forest

 This display of art is by Howard Ben Tré's and it is called Water Forest. This is a public sculpture commissioned by the City of Tacoma for the Museum of Glass Main Plaza. It comprises a forest of vertical elements with  clear acrylic and bronze tubing through which water rises and falls. It is designed so that people can walk through and amongst the display. Tré says the vertical forms allude to the Museum's dominant architectural feature, but do not compete with it. They cycles of water in the tubing are meant to evoke the tidal cycle of the nearby Thea Foss Waterway:

                  I feel that when people come to a sculpture, there may
be many people in the room, but they’re experiencing
the sculpture in a kind of individual way. And yet when
they come to a communal space that I’ve created,
they are sharing that experience in a collective way.

—Howard Ben Tré

   I really liked how the piece as a while flows and captures the element of water into sculpture and also the fact that the water is always there. One thing I really have enjoyed is looking at pieces at are outside and that can remain in place for others to enjoy. I would like to do something similar to that, and also using his idea of embodying elements and the tallness of the building it is placed next to. It is important that one's artwork goes with what is around it and that there's not just a random artwork that becomes an eye sore. It should compliment its surroundings. This piece has balance and flow to it. The water is not all at the top of bottom fixtures, there is a variety to it that makes it more interesting to look at.

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