Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Barbara Kruger: A ROOM WITH A VIEW
Barbara Kruger: Belief+Doubt

  This installation fills the lower level lobby and extends into the newly relocated Museum bookstore. Kruger has focused more on creating environments that surround the viewer with language. The entire space- walls, floor, escalator sides- is wrapped in text- printed vinyl, immersing the visitors in a room of voices, whether it be words created by the artist herself or borrowed from popular ideas and thoughts about democracy, power, and belief. Kruger says she's interested in introducing doubt. Popular points being: “WHO IS BEYOND THE LAW? WHO IS FREE TO CHOOSE? WHO SPEAKS? WHO IS SILENT?”

       This installation speaks to me- literally. I think that her use of space really surrounds you in her thoughts and questions. It is hard not to want to answer the questions when they are all around you like that. She also used color balance well. Red seems to make me think something is more serious, look here, and alert. This really catches your attention, especially with the white contrasting it. The black stands out and it bold against the red. This inspires me to think outside the box. It makes me want to make my viewers think and to questions themselves or the meaning of art. I love this idea and the fact she truly is connecting with her viewers.

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